Hi my name is Saffron Rose and this is my new blog about up and coming music, fashion and anything cool..you want too hear about you will hear it here first.

I have discovered a new sound!
 And a new sound it is, Unlike your Justin or teeny bop tunes hes even cooler than Indie as a bang on trend kind of thing..think we need a new name for these type of tunes. ( any suggestions Tim b)

As a typical 13 year old I am getting bored of all the same music which is boring ..there is a need for more music like this.
 I am fascinated by Josephs unique songwriting / talent indescribable Genius! 

His name is Joseph Coward.

This very cool young man who is only 19, has come very far in a short time, watch out for him big things are happening .. unique recording artist his debut single Jesus Christ is out now on cool vinyl ..with a realy cool video to complement the unique sounds of a morressy & joy division combined.

I went to the acoustic Gig, The Charlatans at The Citadel - St Helens were Joseph supported them,
He was  amazing live, with his cassette recorder placed on the table beside him ( dig the cassette Joseph ) recordings of piano music echoing in the background.While he strums on his guitar.

Signed up by the legendary front man of the Charlatans, Tim Burgess on OGenesis recordings watch out for this label I'm sure itl be big in a few years time, other recordings associated to this label are, The  REPLICAS.. Who we also watched perform there debut single "open arms" which will be released Sept..Amazing ..very cool, girl duo and another unique sound that transfers you to a far a way land.
And also E_I_O_H who we will be talking about very soon. 

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